‘I Love You Because’ by Kate

Shortly after Dan and I got married, I made the decision that each day I would declare a reason why I love him. Feel free to insert your ‘aw’s and/or eye rolls here. My reason behind this was simple, I didn’t want to reach a point where we took one another for granted or started to lack appreciation for the things we once found obvious and endearing.

And so it began. The reasons varied from seemingly insignificant, ‘you fill our water glass each night’ to monumental, ‘you do the dishes’. Anyone who has ever stared at a sink full of dinner plates when all they wanted to do was climb into bed and watch their favorite Nick at Nite rerun of ‘Full House’ can understand that one.

What I’ve come to realize in considering and expressing the things that Dan and I are grateful for in each other, is how much every relationship I have can benefit from the same spoken appreciation. My sister deserves to know that I love how thoughtful and generous she is. My best friend deserves to know that I love our catch up phone calls and the free counseling session she provides during them. Let’s face it, life can be hard and our days are not always perfect. It’s amazing what an ‘I Love You Because’ can do.

Reader Question – What is your favorite way to express appreciation for the people you love?



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